Why a unified view of your metrics is important?

Make better and faster decisions using unified ecommerce analytics.
Published on
April 23, 2024

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Why do e-commerce operators need Unified Analytics?

It has become easier than ever to set up an ecommerce store and start a new brand. If you pick the right tools, you can set up the storefront, reach billions of people through paid and organic channels, accept payments in any currency, and ship the products anywhere in the world!

However, growing the brand is a whole different matter!

As most seasoned entrepreneurs are aware, growing a brand requires deep insight into customer behavior, identifying key drivers of sales, and discovering effective marketing levers.

The only way to gain that deep understanding of your brand and customers is by letting your data and metrics uncover these for you.

Now, this is easier said than done in practice - With a myriad of platforms, channels, and customer touchpoints, tracking your metrics can be overwhelming. It becomes a constant battle of switching tabs, CSV exports, and hours of editing formulas in spreadsheets!

But, there is a better way. Most of these challenges can be overcome by effectively using unified analytics tools. They break down the data silos, bring all metrics onto a single screen, and give you back hours of your time.

Here are the top three reasons how unified analytics tools like Ignyte IQ can boost your brand’s growth:

1. Provides Blended and Aggregated Metrics

Understanding your store performance often involves much more than just analyzing single, standalone metrics like website traffic, conversion rates, or revenue. While these are undoubtedly important, they often don't provide a comprehensive view. Relying solely on basic metrics from individual channels could mean missing out on deeper, more valuable insights.

This is where the concept of blended metrics comes into play. Blended metrics are composite KPIs derived from multiple data points across various platforms. It is impossible to obtain blended metrics – such as aggregated ad spend or contribution margins – with siloed data.

Unified analytics tools bring many blended metrics to your fingertips without the hassle of manual data exports and hours of analysis in spreadsheets.

Breaking down data silos not only streamlines information flow but also enhances your ability to spot trends, correlations, and patterns across different metrics and datasets. This holistic view enables more informed decision-making and strategy development.

2. Reduces the Cost of Context Switching

One of the most significant drains on productivity and clarity in decision-making is the mental gymnastics required to juggle data from multiple platforms. This constant context switching not only saps cognitive energy but can also lead to missed opportunities and insights.

Unified analytics provides one platform to monitor, explore, and analyze all of your metrics! That could save hours of your and your team’s time!

Enables the Early Detection of Issues and Identifies Root Causes

Any issues that affect your website's performance or customer experience can quickly translate into lost revenue. However, identifying these problems promptly—and more importantly, finding their root causes—can be a labyrinthine task when you're dealing with disparate analytics tools. Unified Analytics simplifies this complex challenge, serving as your early warning system and diagnostic tool rolled into one.

Unified Analytics offers you the tools to be proactive, allowing for the early detection of issues and facilitating efficient root cause analysis. By giving you a more comprehensive understanding of your business landscape, it empowers you to act swiftly and decisively, turning potential setbacks into opportunities for improvement.

3. Ensures No Metric is “Out of Sight, Out of Mind”

When your data is siloed and without a unified analytics tool, it is easy for an important metric to fall through the cracks. While high-level metrics are always monitored, the middle-layer intermediate metrics that drive the top-line metrics don’t get sufficient attention. With unified analytics, metrics like average discount rate or average search position of an important keyword are consistently tracked, ensuring comprehensive coverage.

One of the greatest advantages of unified analytics is that it serves as a single source of truth for your e-commerce business. With all your metrics in one place, you eliminate inconsistencies and ensure that everyone on your team is working with the same data and same operational context.

Your ecommerce business is a machine with many interconnected moving parts. It requires constant monitoring of metrics that cover the entirety of your brand health. If you're still stuck in the cycle of fragmented, siloed analytics, it's time to consider a platform like Ignyte IQ.

Investing in a unified analytics solution is not just an operational upgrade; it's a strategic move that positions your e-commerce business for long-term success.